School Improvement Grants - LEA Webinars on the Intervention Models

Selecting the Intervention Model

Transformation Model

Turnaround Model

Restart Model

Closure Model

Communicating about School Reform

The Right People for the Job

Webinar (46.07)

Webinar (31.04)

Webinar (35.17)

Webinar (35.34)

Webinar (22.04)

Webinar (37.45)

Webinar (43.20)

Power Point Slides (ppt)

Power Point Slides (ppt)

Power Point Slides (ppt)

Power Point Slides (ppt)

Power Point Slides (ppt)

Power Point Slides with Notes (ppt)

Power Point Slides with Notes (ppt)

Note: Please temporarily disable your pop-up blocker to allow for the playback application window to appear. Mac users are advised to use Safari as the web browser in order to effectively access the webinars.

Helpful Hints to RCCs or other users embedding the recorded webinar within a live webinar

  • Use two computers—one designated as the host machine for all the live presentations, the other for the recorded webinar (presenter machine).
  • Have the CII-CCSSO recorded webinar cued in the presenter machine, ready to go. The presenter will hit the “un-pause” button to activate the playback.
  • When ready to present the CII-CCSSO recorded webinar, make the presenter machine the presenter by “passing the ball”. The presenter will “share desktop” to access and activate the playback.
  • To hear (and record) the live webinar (with the embedded recorded webinar) the presenter machine should be near a telephone microphone/receiver to pick up the audio playback of the CII-CCSSO recorded webinar. This could be the host call-in phone or a separate line.
  • For effective audio experience during the playback of the webinar, all phone lines should be muted EXCEPT for the presenter machine and its corresponding telephone receiver/microphone. Set all volume settings to maximum for all machines and reduce any potential background noise that may be picked up with the presenter’s telephone receiver/microphone.
  • For additional assistance, questions, or to set up a tutorial appointment, contact Nina de las Alas (
    CII is a national content center supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Award #S283B050057
    Copyright © 2010 Academic Development Institute. All rights reserved.