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Evaluating and Improving the SEA System of Recognition, Accountability, and Support (120 pages)
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Change Leadership: Innovation in State Education Agencies
(40 pages)
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Michigan's District Focus Gets Traction
(12 pages)
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No Time To Lose: Turnaround Leader Performance Assessment
(8 pages)
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Promoting Learning in Rural Schools
(40 pages)
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Lead Turnaround Partners: How the Emerging Marketplace of Lead Turnaround Partners is Changing School Improvement
(56 pages)
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Fulcrum of Change: Leveraging 50 States to Turn Around 5,000 Schools (60 pages)
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Promising Practices: The Montana Story (12 pages)
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Promising Practices: Changing the Conversation (20 pages)
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Promising Practices: The Oklahoma Story (8 pages)
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Achieving More, Spending Less in Schools,Districts, and States (28 pages)
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Improving Student Learning: Action Principles for Families, Classrooms, Schools, Districts and States (121 pages)
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Coaching for School Improvement: A Guide for Coaches and Their Supervisors (76 pages)
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Promising Practices: The Virginia Story (9 pages)
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Transforming a Statewide System of Support: The Idaho Story (56 pages)
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2011 AERA Division H outstanding publication award

Toolkit for Implementing the School Improvement Grant: Transformation Model (64 pages)
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Retrofitting Bureaucracy: Factors Influencing Charter Schools' Access to Federal Entitlement Programs (32 pages)
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2011 AERA Division H outstanding publication award

Handbook on Effective Implementation of School Improvement Grants (210 pages) Revised January 2011 to reflect legislative updates!
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Exploring the Pathway to Rapid District Improvement (68 pages)
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Singing Out of the Same Songbook: The Standards Aligned System in Pennsylvania (38 pages)
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Breaking the Habit of Low Performance: Successful School Restructuring Stories (45 pages)
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Performance-Based Dismissals: Cross-Sector Lessons for School Turnarounds (35 pages)
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Tough Decisions: Closing Persistently Low-Performing Schools (31 pages)
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Framework for an Effective Statewide System of Support (16 pages)
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Coherence in Statewide System of Support (102 pages)
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Improving SES Quality: Promising Practices for States (119 pages)
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School Turnarounds: Actions and Results (34 pages)
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Handbook on Statewide Systems of Support (291 pages)
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The Mega System: Handbook for Continuous School Improvement (173 pages)
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Evaluating Supplemental Educational Service Providers: Suggested Strategies for States (2nd Ed.) (44 pages)
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School Turnarounds: A Review of the Cross-Sector Evidence on Dramatic Organizational Improvement (64 pages)
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2008 AERA Division H outstanding publication award

Handbook on Restructuring and Substantial School Improvement (132 pages)
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If yes, how many copies do you expect to distribute?


CII's Signature Initiatives


CII's web-based planning and coaching tool for district and school improvement, along with CII-developed training and materials, is now being used in several states, with support from their regional comprehensive centers.

Strengthening the Statewide Systems of Support

CII's Handbook on Statewide Systems of Support is the manual for states across the country in their work with their regional comprehensive centers to self-assess and improve their systems of support.
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State Education Agencies
(State Departments. of Education)

Doing What Works

What Works Clearinghouse
(Scientific evidence of what works in education)

Office of Non-Public Education

CII is a national content center supported by the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. Award #S283B050057
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